Saturday, 10 September 2016

Going Home

Sat 10 Sep 16

We are on our way home, taking a train from Salzburg to Munich airport for a flight to Singapore where we have an overnight stay to give us a break form flying, then home on Monday.
Singapore Airlines doesn't fly out of Vienna, the closest departure point being Munich. As we weren't particularly interested in staying in Munich, we chose Salzburg instead and were very happy with that choice. 

We have crossed a lot of agricultural land but have not seen one person working in them. Interesting.

It has been a  l o n g  trip, longer than we are used to, but enjoyable, except for the bells in Melk, but then that just added to the experience.
We have slept in 10 different beds, travelled on 9 trains, not including airport transfers, a sea cruise and 3 river cruises. The temperatures have ranged from freezing to hot. We have been very lucky with the weather in general, especially in the far north and with regard to the state of the seas. Only a little rain when we were in Vienna, but not enough to be a problem.

The European rail system is amazing. But the trains don't always run on time. How much co-ordination it requires between the various countries with cross border trains running is unimaginable.

I would like to thank the person who came up with the idea of putting wheels on suitcases. How would we be without them?

The most useful app on the iPad for travelling I have found is Citymaps2go by Ulman Pro. Just download the required maps then you don't need an internet connection to use them. They work off the GPS system. I don't remember what it cost, not much but certainly worth it.

Still don't have a selfie stick, in fact unlike in Italy last year where they were on sale by street hawkers everywhere, we haven't seen anyone selling them. 

Anyway, that's about it from me for this trip. Or as Fred Dagg used to say, "I have to go, here comes my bus".
Thanks for reading my blog and a special thanks to those who commented on it.

Geof N

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sculpture by the sea 2017

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